Taking photos is for me an exercise in being present, immersed in my surroundings. It helps me connect in a personal way, it pushes me to actively look for intimate moments of beauty. I admire the work of Fan Ho, Sebastião Salgado, Dorin Bofan, Henri-Cartier Bresson, for their beautiful textures, geometries and playfulness of lights and shadows, Luo Yang and Peter Hujar for their devotion to vulnerability and ability to capture the depths of their subjects. I'm a big fan of Susan Sontag's book On Photography:
Unlike the fine-art objects of pre-democratic eras, photographs don’t seem deeply beholden to the intentions of an artist. Rather, they owe their existence to a loose cooperation (quasi-magical, quasi-accidental) between photographer and subject—mediated by an ever simpler and more automated machine, which is tireless, and which even when capricious can produce a result that is interesting and never entirely wrong.